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Amina McConvell

Amina McConvell B. Larrakia Country [Darwin] 1983, Based Larrakia Country, Northern Territory is a practicing visual artist and works as a co-executive officer and the creative producer of Arts Access at Darwin Community Arts (DCA).

Amina is about to complete a Master of Visual Arts by Research at Charles Darwin University, for her installation work titled '90 Seconds to Midnight: Interiors for End of Days' and the accompanying exegesis. Having previously completed a Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) at the National Art School in Sydney and a Bachelor of Creative Arts & Industries with honours at Charles Darwin University. Amina's work Uncertainty Factors was included in Hatched: The National Graduates Exhibition at PICA, where she was one of four artists nationally to receive an honourable mention. Amina was awarded a Darmasiswa Scholarship by the Indonesian Government to study for 1-year at the Indonesian Institute of Art, Yogyakarta, supported by the Ian Potter Cultural Trust.

In her contemporary art practice Amina works primarily with Formalist Abstraction, Geometric Conceptualism and Non-Objective Abstraction within a practice spanning large-scale mural painting, wall drawing, sculptural assemblage and installation. Amina's practice is responsive to changing and layered contexts; with each project being developed in response to a specific concept or area of research, engaging with a range of ideas from scientific philosophy to interpretations of abstraction and intuitive composition.

Amina has exhibited her mural and installation works extensively across Australia, Southeast Asia and internationally, including at; Watch This Space (Alice Springs) Jogja Gallery (Yogyakarta/Indonesia), Sangkring Project Space (Yogyakarta/Indonesia), KRACK! STUDIO (Yogyakarta/Indonesia), Griffith University Art Gallery (Brisbane), Verge Gallery/University of Sydney, Firstdraft (Sydney), Sydney Non-Objective (Sydney), J-Studio (Manila/Philippines), 98B COLLABoratory (Manila/Philippines), c3 Contemporary Art Space (Melbourne), Unit 1 Workshop & Gallery (London/UK) and Despina Contemporary Art Space (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil). Amina has been included in the Gertrude Contemporary Studio 18 program and have received numerous prestigious grants and awards for my work as a visual artist, including from the Northern Territory Government, The Australia Council for the Arts, The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) and the Ian Potter Cultural Trust.


Amina's mural is something a little out of the ordinary. She has completely covered a seating area at the Charles Darwin University Casuarina Campus with her unique style of using abstract shapes and vibrant colors to create an incredibly interesting and engaging immersive space.

Mural Location: Blue Precinct, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus


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The Darwin Street Art Festival takes place on Larrakia land, we acknowledge the Larrakia people, both past and present, as the Traditional Owners of the land upon which we live and work. We pay our respect to their Elders, past, present and future.

© 2022 Darwin Street Art Festival

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